} being well

Rochelle can work with you to customize training programs for your team or organization. Her approach includes integrating empirical, evidence-based skill-building with the values and over-arching goals of the group in mind.

She brings her certification and training in mindfulness and emotional intelligence practices and her research on using Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) skill-building into her work in organizational settings.

Rochelle has taught mindfulness to clinicians, employees, community members, graduate students, therapy interns and in a functional restoration program for chronic pain management patients. She uses the evidence-based practices of MBSR as the core of her model for trainings and classes.

Mindful/Awareness Training & Stress Management for Advancing Team/Organizational Goals

Simply put, in addition to a whole host of health and well-being benefits, mindfulness skills training enhances and builds emotional and social intelligence capacities.

Mindful awareness skills are particularly helpful to those in organizations, whether they are individual contributors or are managing people. Specifically, mindfulness increases one's capacity to:

Whatever your overall team/organizational goals are, creating positive change with proactive stress-management skill-building offers:

Contact Rochelle about doing mindful awareness training for your team and/or organization at rochelle@beingwellconsulting.com to arrange an initial consultation.